PHP Weather Script Copyright --------- This script is copyright 2000-2003 by Travis Richardson ( You have my permission to use, distribute, and modify it free of charge so long as this copyright notice remains intact. You can always get the latest version at If you make changes or fix any bugs that appear feel free to send them to me and I may include them in future releases. About ----- Weather is a PHP script to provide weather data for cities around the world. When I was looking for such a script to integrate into my site I couldn't find anything that suit my needs. Most of them simply combined explode, replace and ereg statements and provided html code that was hard to modify. The one script I did find that looked to be exactly what I wanted read METAR reports, which, unfortunately, did not list the cities I was looking to use. Then I stumbled on the script Current Weather by greedo which grabbed data from provides data on almost everything and provided all the information I needed. However, greedo's script only returned the raw HTML formatted in's site style. I wanted the data itself, not the HTML, so I "extended" the script to a complete PHP class. It's simple to use and provides all the data in variables that you can easily enter into your site in whatever format you choose. How to... --------- See sample.php (included in the zip) for an example. ____________ :: STEP 1 :: Place the following include statement in your script: You will (of course) need to substitute path/to/Weather.php with the path, i.e.: scripts/Weather.php ____________ :: STEP 2 :: Before you can use the weather data you must fetch it. To do so place the following line in your file before you attempt to call the data functions: substitute LOCATION_STRING with the string from - e.g.: Bangkok, Thailand is "THXX0002". Find the location you want to use by going to and finding the city you want a weather report for. Look at the URL for your LOCATION_STRING. eg: ____________ :: STEP 3 :: Now you have your weather data contained in the $weatherData object. To use it simply call one of the data functions below. Since these return actual variables and not HTML code you can use them in scripts and calculate various results such as the difference in temperature between two location for example. Note that not all locations will report all items - Alaska is unlikely to have a Heat Index in the middle of winter and some locations will (for various reasons) not report the latest weather. If this occurs the variable will not exist and the function you call will return false. You may want to check for this before relying on the results you expect. Most of the functions require one or two parameters, DAY and METRIC. DAY is the day you are looking to get data for. 0 (zero) is the current weather, 1 is today/tonight's general forecast, and 2-10 are forecasts for the next 9 days. NOTE: DAY currently does not do anything. It's there because reports the data and I plan to write code to read it. METRIC is the unit of measure you want the result to be returned in and is explained for each function below. Here are the available function calls: getLocation() - Returns the location of the weather readings - not all cities return their own weather reports getUpdateTime(DAY) - Returns a formatted string containing the date/time (and possibly time zone) of the last weather report. getCondition(DAY) - Returns a string of the weather condition - e.g.: "Fair", "Cloudy", "Raining", etc. getImageURL(DAY) - Returns the URL for the image provided by - this image is a visual representation of the condition getTemp(DAY,METRIC) - Returns the temperature - METRIC is "c" (Celsius) or "f" (Fahrenheit) getWindChill(DAY,METRIC) - Returns the temperature adjusted for current wind-chill conditions - METRIC is "c" or "f" getHeatIndex(DAY,METRIC) - Returns the temperature adjusted for current heat index conditions - METRIC is "c" or "f" getWindSpeed(DAY,METRIC) - Returns the wind speed - METRIC is "mph" or "kph" getWindDirection(DAY) - Returns a string of the current wind direction - e.g.: "North", "Southeast", etc. - reports the wind direction as "blowing from" - this script switches it around so the returned string is the actual direction the wind is blowing in getDewpoint(DAY,METRIC) - Returns the dewpoint temperature - METRIC is "c" or "f" getRelativeHumidity(DAY) - Returns the relative humidity (a percentage) getVisibility(DAY,METRIC) - Returns the visibility distance - METRIC is "mi" (miles) or "km" (kilometers) getBarometerStatus(DAY) - Returns the barometer's status - e.g.: "Rising" or "Falling" - returns false if barometer is stable getBarometer(DAY,METRIC) - Returns the barometer height - METRIC is "in" (inches), "cm" (centimeters), or "kpa" (kPa) Legal ----- Remember that you must get permission from in order to grab their data and use it on your site. So far as I know they have a program where you can sign up and get permission to place some of their code on your site. Whether this script falls within those terms of use guidelines or not I cannot say. I am not responsible for your use of this script or any resulting legal action. In other words, cover your butt and ask their permission. So far as the rights on this script are concerned I give you full rights to use, distribute, and modify this script, free of charge, as long as the copyright notice at the top is maintained. If you do make changes feel free to send them to me and I'll consider including them in future releases. Since I am providing this script free of charge I also take no responsibility for any damage or losses that may occur while using this script. Use at your own risk.